Saturday, August 28, 2010

Organizing My Books

Ok, so 80% of the boxes in the studio are unpacked and everything is out waiting to be organized. I decided to start with the books first. I love books and sometimes I love a book so much I buy it twice. I guess that can count as a senior moment. But to avoid doing that in the future I just downloaded a great app for my iphone called

I just finished loading a shelf of books into the app in about 30 minutes so I can highly recommend it. You just put in the isbn number and click download information and the program goes out and finds it. I then categorize it to my preference, put in it's location (so i can find it again), and save it to the database. It even downloads a picture of the front cover. And of course there are several ways to search for the books; so when I am out and about I will know if I own the book or not. Loverly!!! But I think I need another bookcase.

Friday, August 27, 2010

My Studio

I have been reading with great interest Vickie Hallmark's blog regarding moving her studio back upstairs. Thank you Vickie... it has inspired me.
So you all know, we just got to Tucson. Of course settling the house was first on the agenda. It's about 60% there... but I had to get out to the studio. I haven't made a glass bead since November 2009. Yikes!
So yesterday I tiptoed out back. Haven't even peeked since the movers delivered the "stuff". So I wanted to share with you the vision as I entered the door!
Of course amidst this mountain of boxes is the chance to get really organized. In my home in Dayton my work space was spread out throughout the house. There was the glass bead studio in the workout room; and the seed beeds and jewelry components in the downstairs bedroom. The PMC was downstairs but off the family room - along with soldering. I took photos in my office. The upstairs bathroom was for PPP and etching. And the laundry room was for cold working glass. But now everything is one place - at least my husband is hopeful that beads will not creep back into the main house; but I have given no promises. What's a night of TV without a beading project.
So I have to unpack all of those boxes and organize the stuff. but it will be FUN! I keep telling myself that.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

So Where Have I Been?

I seem to have been missing since May... but that is not the case.

Hubby has retired!!

We moved from Dayton, OH... via a 2 month road trip!! And...

We now live in Tucson!!!
So in June I said goodbye to many friends that I made in Dayton over the seven years that we lived there. But of course with the internet and travel it's never really a firm good-bye... more like an au revoir. Dayton was a great place to live and I will miss it (but not the snow!).

So I'm unpacking boxes... and life is slowly returning to normal.