Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Do you listen to music when you create?

A Native American Flute

I like to listen to music when I am working in my studio even though while I am making glass beads the ventillation system tends to drown it out.  So one day I decided not to turn the ventillation on because I wanted to hear the music.... not a good thing!  but that's another story...

Anyway, while in Sante Fe last year I had the opportunity to hear someone play a Native American flute and I was hooked.

The history of this flute is vague, but it's main appeal to me is the soulful, haunting, and emotional sound.  I found an artist that I particularly like; and I think his music has really inspired a lot of my new designs which I will be showing you all over the next few months.  Check out Scott August and his music.  Let me know what you think.

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